Ejinvesting Review

Read our Ejinvesting review to see if we recommend this broker for trading. Just to clear doubts, this is an ejinvesting.com review.

Who are they?

After taking a look at their website, it shows that they do not fall under any regulating agency. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! That should be enough for you NOT to invest with them. And they also work with websites that offer “Automated trading software” which is another red flag, as this kind of websites are notoriously famous for scamming schemes.

So Ejinvesting is just another unregulated forex broker, which means the customers are not protected, and there is highly likely they will get away with your hard earned money and there will be no regulating agency to hold them responsible.

How does it work?

Usually unregulated forex brokers work in the following way. They will call people to persuade them to make the initial minimum deposit, while trying any conceivable method in order to make that happen. They will offer deals that sound too good to be true, like we will double your initial deposit or you will make $100 per day easily. Please don’t fall for anything they say!!! It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, people get transferred to a smarter scammer, called a “retention agent”, who will try to get more money out of you.

Withdrawing funds

You should submit a withdrawal request ASAP, because your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. And here is when things get tricky.

If you want to withdraw your money and it does not matter if you have profits or not, they will delay the withdrawing process for months. If they delay it for six months, you won’t be able to file a chargeback anymore and your money is gone for good. It does not matter how often you remind them or insist in withdrawing your money, you will NOT get them back. And if you signed the Managed Account Agreement or MAA, which is basically authorizing them to do anything they want on your account, they will lose all your funds so there won’t be anything to request anymore.

How to get your money back?

If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, which is very likely to happen, don’t worry, it might be a way or two to get your money back.
First of all you need to keep the emails as a proof that you have been requesting the money back from them but they don’t give it to you, or they delay the process for too long, with the intention of not refunding your money.

The first thing you should do is perform a chargeback! And you should do this right away! Contact your bank or credit card provider and explain how you were deceived into depositing for a trading company that is not regulated and they refuse to give your money back. This is the simplest way of getting your money back and is also the way that hurts them the most. Because if there are many chargebacks performed, it will destroy their relation with the payment service providers. If you haven’t done this before or you are not sure where to start or how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, we can assist you in preparing your chargeback case. Just contact us at [email protected] but do not let your broker know they you read this article or that you are in contact with us.

What about wires?

If you sent them a wire, there is no way to perform a chargeback on a wire. For this step you need to raise the fight to a different level. Tell them that you will go to the authorities and file a complaint against them. That will get them to rethink the refund possibility. Another thing you can do is prepare a letter or email for the regulating agencies. Depending on the country where you live, you can search on google to find the regulating agency for Forex brokers in that country. After that you can prepare a letter or an email describing how you got deceived from them. Make sure you show this letter or email to them, and tell them you will send it to the regulating agency if they don’t refund your money. If you do not know where to start, reach for us at [email protected] and we will help you with this step as well.

Make sure you leave reviews about Ejinvesting in other sites

Another way to hurt them and save other people from falling victims is to leave bad reviews on other sites, and describe shortly what happened. If you fallen victim please leave a review and a comment on this site at the comment section. Also, when these people change their website they tend to call the old clients, so if they call you from a new website please write it down on the comment or let us know it by contacting us. That would be really appreciated by us and families all over world. Also if you get phone calls from other companies please put the name of these companies also in the comment or send it to us. We will expose them too.

Ejinvesting Review Conclusions

Making the Ejinvesting review is actually a pleasure for us, and we hope to save as many people as possible from losing their hard earned money. A good rule of thumb is to carefully review all the Forex companies and any other company for that matter, before you perform any transaction. We hope that our Ejinvesting review has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or you need an advice about the withdrawing process, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or by using this contact form.
If you like to trade please do it with a trustworthy, regulated broker, by choosing one of the brokers listed below.

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  1. I have fallen in their hands and noah franklin roth , not his real name offcourse, treatend me, yellled at said I would loose all of my money. Made fake calls to me from Crypto.com and scamed all my savings. And he is still treatening me. I have no money anymore and i really want to warn everbody against them

  2. sono stato agganciato da Ejinvesting dal Adviser Tony Dean Allen e dopo mi ha indotto ad acquistare btcoin da Coinbase tramite bonifico per € 6.000 . ma questi soldi non sono tornati indietro nonostante intentificate richieste adducendo la colpa alle mie banche che non accettano il rientro . conferito con le banche che negano. State alla Larga da questa gente.

  3. I’m also scammed over the 15k by that fake financial advisor called Noah franklin Roth. He convinced me to trust him and so I invest my life savings stupidly on that trading platform. Now police can do nothing about and my bank insurance doesn’t cover me because I did the transfer myself. I’m hopelessly stuck now

  4. Leider bin ich auch auf diese Firma und diesen Broaker Noah reingefallen, ich hatte 1000 € investiert und laut der Seite ich Gewinne erzielt, als dann meine Auszahlung von 10000 € näherkam hatte Noah gesagt wenn ich jetzt nochmal 7000 € investiere würde ich ich 25000 € Gwinn ausgezahlt bekommen, ich sagte das ich die Summe nicht habe und ich auch nicht mehr investieren möchte, daraufhin unterstellte mir Noah ich würde lügen und schrie am Telefon und teilte mir mit das er mit mir nicht mehr arbeiten möchte und verband mich mit seinem angeblichen Vorgesetzten dem ich dann mitteilte das ich mein Konto auflösen möchte der meinte das er dafür 48 Stunden bräuchte desweiteren versucht ich das Konto über die Webseite aufzulösen wo mir mitgeteilt wurde man würde sich mit mir in Verbindung setzen innerhalb der nächste 48 Stunden. Bis heute hat weder der so genannte Vorgesetzte noch die Firma Kontakt zu mir aufgenommen.

  5. Brutta esperienza da due personaggi TRUFFATORI EJinvesting la cosidetta segretaria Emily Hope 0031645198113 e-mail e.hope@ejinvesting,com e il cosidetto capo Michael Eckardt 00393511865128 ti contattano solo con messaggi e chiamate whatsapp
    Emily gentile nel convingermi a provare guadagni con piccola cifra 250/500 € che poi solo 500€ per farmi registrare su EJinvesting,com, fatto ti inoltra al consulente finanziario Mr Michael ( consulente truffe a persone oneste ) il quale con infinita pazienza ti fa vedere come si guadagna con un versamento di 500 € dal mio conto a Coinbase e su Ejinvesting, sulla piattaforma mei giorni successivi ti fa vedere i guadagni giornalieri che incrementano sempre oltre il 20% con assicurazioni al 100%, Lui Michael mi fa vedere a prelevare ” Ritiro ” da Ejinvestig somma di 10 € verso Coibase e sul mio conto bancario tutto semplice, dopo qualche giorno provo da solo senza avvisarlo eseguo correttamente il tutto con un prelievo/ritiro di 50 € perfetto sul mio conto bancario in tempo reale, così da cretico faccio un nuovo trasferimento dal mio conto B. a coinbase e a ejinvesting i guadagni aumentano giornalmente velocemente cos’ decido di prelevare Ritiro i miei 1.000€ ECCO la TRUFFA la procedura accettata ma messa in sospeso non viene versata sul mio conto come semplicemente era avvenuto con i 50€
    Mi metto con difficoltà in contatto con Michael il quale mi dice che ogni prelievo dovevo avvisare lui un giorno prima per dare il consenso ( di conseguenza non sono più proprietario dei miei euro come lui mi ha sempre affermato che erano sempre disponibili e miei), allora chiedo di abilitare il prelievo e così inizia la truffa cerca insistentemente di dirmi perchè voglio prelevare una piccola cifra a cosa ti serve quanto puoi guadagnare molto versando dai 25.000€ ai 50.000€ dal mio conto a Ejinvesting, insisti che prima vogli avere la certezza di poter prelevare da solo i miei risparmi inizia la discussione e che lui non può farlo e deve inoltrarmi il commerciale che non ha mai risposto e avvisandolo reclamando mi conferma che sarà il commerciale a chiamarmi mai arrivata la chiamata IL maledetto truffatore Michael diventa irreperibile sia a mie chiamate e messaggio sms e whatsapp MI HA BLOCCATO IN whatsapp e OSCURATO jinvestin.com RISULTATO I MIEI SOLDI SPARITI
    Se chi legge ha trovato soluzioni come rintracciare questi personaggi attraverso il numero di cellulare di Michale che è una sim italiana 00393511865128 coraggio tutti insieme possiamo fare qualche cosa per BLOCCARE questi MALEDETTI TRUFFATORI grazie

  6. It’s fraude don’t do itt!!!!
    Yout money is gone and de site doesn’t work anymore. Send them 0,01 to the vank with the request to give me my money back they don’d respond.


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