Uni Co Review

Read our Uni Co review to see if we recommend this broker for trading. Just to clear doubts, this is a uni-co.io review. They also use uni-co.tech domain.

Who are they?

After taking a look at their website, it shows that they do not fall under any regulating agency. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! That should be enough for you NOT to invest with them. And they also work with websites that offer “Automated trading software” which is another red flag, as this kind of websites are notoriously famous for scamming schemes.

So Uni Co is just another unregulated forex broker, which means the customers are not protected, and there is highly likely they will get away with your hard earned money and there will be no regulating agency to hold them responsible.

How does it work?

Usually unregulated forex brokers work in the following way. They will call people to persuade them to make the initial minimum deposit, while trying any conceivable method in order to make that happen. They will offer deals that sound too good to be true, like we will double your initial deposit or you will make $100 per day easily. Please don’t fall for anything they say!!! It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, people get transferred to a smarter scammer, called a “retention agent”, who will try to get more money out of you.

Withdrawing funds

You should submit a withdrawal request ASAP, because your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. And here is when things get tricky.

If you want to withdraw your money and it does not matter if you have profits or not, they will delay the withdrawing process for months. If they delay it for six months, you won’t be able to file a chargeback anymore and your money is gone for good. It does not matter how often you remind them or insist in withdrawing your money, you will NOT get them back. And if you signed the Managed Account Agreement or MAA, which is basically authorizing them to do anything they want on your account, they will lose all your funds so there won’t be anything to request anymore.

How to get your money back?

If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, which is very likely to happen, don’t worry, it might be a way or two to get your money back.
First of all you need to keep the emails as a proof that you have been requesting the money back from them but they don’t give it to you, or they delay the process for too long, with the intention of not refunding your money.

The first thing you should do is perform a chargeback! And you should do this right away! Contact your bank or credit card provider and explain how you were deceived into depositing for a trading company that is not regulated and they refuse to give your money back. This is the simplest way of getting your money back and is also the way that hurts them the most. Because if there are many chargebacks performed, it will destroy their relation with the payment service providers. If you haven’t done this before or you are not sure where to start or how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, we can assist you in preparing your chargeback case. Just contact us at [email protected] but do not let your broker know they you read this article or that you are in contact with us.

What about wires?

If you sent them a wire, there is no way to perform a chargeback on a wire. For this step you need to raise the fight to a different level. Tell them that you will go to the authorities and file a complaint against them. That will get them to rethink the refund possibility. Another thing you can do is prepare a letter or email for the regulating agencies. Depending on the country where you live, you can search on google to find the regulating agency for Forex brokers in that country. After that you can prepare a letter or an email describing how you got deceived from them. Make sure you show this letter or email to them, and tell them you will send it to the regulating agency if they don’t refund your money. If you do not know where to start, reach for us at [email protected] and we will help you with this step as well.

Make sure you leave reviews about Uni Co in other sites

Another way to hurt them and save other people from falling victims is to leave bad reviews on other sites, and describe shortly what happened. If you fallen victim please leave a review and a comment on this site at the comment section. Also, when these people change their website they tend to call the old clients, so if they call you from a new website please write it down on the comment or let us know it by contacting us. That would be really appreciated by us and families all over world. Also if you get phone calls from other companies please put the name of these companies also in the comment or send it to us. We will expose them too.

Uni Co Review Conclusions

Making the Uni Co review is actually a pleasure for us, and we hope to save as many people as possible from losing their hard earned money. A good rule of thumb is to carefully review all the Forex companies and any other company for that matter, before you perform any transaction. We hope that our Uni Co review has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or you need an advice about the withdrawing process, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or by using this contact form.
If you like to trade please do it with a trustworthy, regulated broker, by choosing one of the brokers listed below.

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  1. Yes. I have in fact been scammed by this company. I would like to report them. They said I would be making a huge profit and get my initial investment back. I only gave them one account but they were pushing for me to sign up more accounts. kept asking for more money.

    Very evasive if I ask about my return on investment.

  2. There were previously United brokers dot io then net and taken off-line and then returned under uni-co and always asking to upgrade to the next level with more money. Said I could withdraw my money, but I needed to pay the tax first.

  3. Uni-co is definitely a scam operation. They convinced me to deposit $250 US funds via credit card. After setting up an account I was able to log on and view my account, but now the website address no longer exists and they don’t answer their emails.

  4. Jedna wielka ściema, oszuści, kłamcy i wyłudzacze pieniędzy.
    Wpłaciłem 120 USD , potem zaproponowali jak nie mam więcej to pomogą w zdobyciu więcej pieniędzy, aby więcej inwestować.
    Więc wpadli na pomysł, że ze 120 USD w ciągu tygodnia robot zarobi dla mnie 10000 USD na krypto walutach.
    Sprawdziłem po tygodniu swoje konto na Uni Co.io i okazuje się, że w zakładce depozyt znajduje się moja kwota 120 USD którą ja wpłaciłem i jakimś cudem tam znajduje się 10000 USD a jako kredyt.
    Więc próbują także wciągnąć mnie w jakieś kredyty.
    Więc napisałem, że chcę zwrotu swojego depozytu 120 USD i, że nie chcę żadnych od nich pieniędzy i kredytów.
    Do tej pory nie otrzymałem żadnej odpowiedzi.

  5. I’ve been scammed by this company as well. Has anyone successfully withdrawn their funds? I really need my money back

  6. hola. a mi tambien me estafaron ingrese los 250euros. y no puedo reitrar el dinero y no contestan a los correos. ni llamadas. ni nada, alguien sabe donde hay que ir. o que hay que hacer para recuperar ese dinero. yo vivo en españa. gracias

  7. Same here I’m one of their victims too… pushing and pushing to put the money and now they disappeared.. it’s not a small money lots… please help🥲

  8. los de uni-co. y fortuna-itm-com. son unos hijos de putas. ladrones. arrastrados. poneos a trabajar. partida de malnacidos. ojala y se mueran en la miseria con vuestra puta familia de arrastrados, muertos de hambre. os maldigo a todos incluida su mierda de familia. les deseo el peor de los malfarios por hijos de putas. ladrones de mierda. ME CAGO EN SUS MUERTOS. ME CAGO EN SU PUTA FAMILIA DE MIERDA. ME CAGO EN SU PUTA RAZA. POR MI PARTE YA ESTAN DENUNCIADOS. MALPARIDOS. MALANDROS. MALDITOS SEAN.

  9. Hi Lauren how have you done it please help us .. where to start to file the complaint because I also one of the victim being scammed of this UNiCO meivin noble please help us where to start

  10. SCAM for SURE:
    My story also resonates with most of you over here. After the initial 250$ investment they ask you to transfer the rest of the money through crypto exchanges, as they crypto transfers are not refundable. Now after some due diligence, I realize that if any broker firm asks for crypto transfer, then they cannot be trusted. I believe I can still ask my bank for the initial 250$ investment retrieval but I am pretty sure for the rest of the 2400$ I had invested in through crypto channel of my hard earned money, I cannot do anything.

  11. Hello everyone I have been scammed by this company too uni- co and I really need to get my money back so if anybody did there money back please please provide me with information how to do it

  12. I see my situation in almost exactly the same as all the above scammed customers. This fake, trash broker, has to pay back. Spe I’ll if there was a way trace their location they should be police reported (interpol) etc. Please let us gather more information and charge back our hard earned money. LAUREN AND Meiven if you guys could please, explain further how you got them to payback.

    Kind regards

  13. Hello.I’m Stefan.Lauren Banks that really great job. I am wondering which Country did you filed the complaint.Can I file from Canada to. Please write back on comment post.Thank you.

  14. I think I have been scammed as well. I was doing really well day trading on the UNI-CO trading terminal and built up a large amount of equity in a short time. my Broker called Tony kept asking me to put more funds in which I refused. He then stopped contacting me and I cant get hold of him either as the WhattsApp numbers and email addresses he was using don’t work anymore. I used my Revolute account to send him the initial funds when the account was opened. please can anyone tell me how to get these funds back.

  15. It was too good to be true, but fell for there advertisements and my lack of doing enough home work using my brain not my emotions..
    Stay away for many red flags:

    1- they don’t have a legitimate website/ customer service/ email or phone number.

    2- they say they are located in the UK and operate globally but yet they call through extensions to get to you and contact you through other extensions in what’s app.

    3- you are dealing with the unknown after all these facts with the phone calls and escalating things with promises and hiring professionals for you on there dime….

    So if you are willing to go with your emotions due to a sickness or the pandemic and willing to lose it all, I mean all the sweat and tears to make what you have now, then go for it.

    NOTE: once, and if you lose it all make sure you don’t fall again when they try to lure you again with there promotions and insurance policies..

  16. I deposited $250 with UNI-CO.IO and they kept asking for more money. I agreed but I first wanted to understand how to withdraw funds/profit. This proved to be difficult and my UNI-CO broker, Chris Johnson (sure that’s his name) had to approve any withdrawals. The website said it was sending a confirmation to my email account, never happened. No phone calls, no returned email and NO cash back after my request. SCAM

  17. Uni-co Investment!! Betrug pur! 2030 € von mir angelegt in ETH und BIT, mit meinem persönlichen Manager (Claudia Bergmann) angeblich investiert. Ich sollte auf mein Laptop AnyDesk installieren um zusammen mit dieser Frau, das Geld zu transferieren. Über die NURI Bank Berlin ist das Geld auf das uni-co Konto überwiesen, ohne irgendwelche Nachfragen ihrerseits. Innerhalb von 10 Tagen angeblicher Gewinn von ca.1500€. Betrug! Jetzt kein Kontakt, per email oder Tel. mehr möglich und das Geld ist weg.! Anzeige habe ich bei Polizei gemacht. Nur die sagen, dass es schwer, bis unmöglich ist das Geld wieder auf zutreiben. Jetzt stehe ich im Leeren und weiß nicht was ich noch machen kann. UNI-CO BETRUG!!HÄNDE WEG!

  18. Uni co is Broker is I’m putting my money for £500 pound and don’t wont give me back money went I’m asking !!!
    rip me off can’t believe

  19. yes, they own me a lot of money as well, I lost contact with the company and after one month they call me again and said that I can withdraw my money but first I have to paty tax.
    definitely bloody scam !!

  20. Habe auch Probleme mit Uni-co habe denen echt geglaubt, ich blöde Kuh, die habe geschworen und auch alles gezeigt dass die Firma seriös ist, jetzt komme ich nicht mal auf die Seite wo mein Geld liegt, weil das passwort angeblich nicht stimmt!!!
    Irgendwann stehen die auch vor Gott!!!

  21. I invested 300 dollars minimum with them and they occasionally get in touch with another sales rep or whatever job title. I personally use it as a play account which I always tell them to the response of mock disgust. I did have one guy try getting me to invest a further 5000 once with all sorts of promises including a copy of his passport but I declined. I did attempt to withdraw 100 dollars today on my phone and got the response of click on link in non arriving email to progress withdrawal. I was now thinking of doing the withdrawal on the computer to see if it increases my success level. I don’t hold out too much hope. Being scammed once helps when other companies come a calling, what was the last one finance capital fx, the spiel offered makes me think they all read from the same sheet.

  22. Das ist nicht normalen Leute . Ich hoffe nach Sterben finden Sie richtige Weg zum Teufel.Ich habe viel Geld verloren,aber Sie verloren mehr als ich.

  23. They got me also !
    250.0us then another 350.0us
    Not giving up this easily will explore all avenues to get back what I put in

  24. Też jestem oszukany. Wciąż zachęcali do dodatkowych wpłat a kiedy chciałem wypłacić pieniądze zażądali kolejnej wpłaty za podatek niby. Zlodzieje

  25. They are thieves!!!!!!
    I started with the initial US $250 and I moved almost US $2,000 from my crypto coins and at that moment I have to say good by to my money. I saw that lots of gains in my investment but every moment I was asking to do a withdrawal the ask me to put more money.
    Different guys calling all the time but no solutions. Some how after I saw US$30,000 on my account I asked for my money but no body answer. IT IS A BIG SCAM!!!!!!!!! You will lost your money!!!!!!

  26. Anyone getting calls and emails from Chris Marco their Head of Finance Department that they are closing business and sending everyone’s funds back? They just need your wallet address to send and will guide you through the CRA questionnaire process (or whatever your government body is) and you do not have to pay a cent to them. Obviously very skeptical on this. Not sure what scam is next

  27. Hi,
    I’ve been approached by Sebastian Colson today, I’m a potential client. it just felt a bit off when he kept pushing me to open an account even though I wanted to research first.
    He also kept phoning me via WhatsApp to open the account, I found that very odd.
    So I decided to research them and I found you.

    I hope that I can help you all in some way, as thanks for saving me from making a huge mistake 🙏🤗😳


  28. I have put in a lot of money with them, made trades, seen my account grow. Like the rest of you, I have been transferred to several agents over the last 5 months. Different reasons why the last agent had to leave or stop managing my account. I tokd my agent ladt week that I wanted go start withdrawing money on a regular basis. This week she comes back and offers to send me all of my money back, but first I have to pay a European trading fee and now they are saying that the Cyprus Bank has the money and in order for them to release my money I have to pay a tariff to that bank. I refused so this is where I am. Can anybody tell me if I can go to some agency in order to try to get some of this money back. I have a few e-mails and numbers from the WhatsApp application. I am from Canada

  29. God sake, I can’t believe how many naive people took the bait, including me. what about organizing class action lawsuit? that kind of practices should be prosecuted by low, ahhh…

  30. Hi, yes I was scammed too. I got a hold of someone who said that they could help me but of course they wanted money. How am I suppose to know that it isn’t another scammer. Can’t they just get your money back and then I would definitely pay them their payment for getting my money back. But no they want money and of vourse it had to be a sum of $1000. SHAME ON THEM.

  31. During 1 month uni-co “specialists” cheated $7000 from me. Today on my trading account I have $34000. I asked to withdraw my money. Available was sum of $27000. But Daniil Orlovsky from financial department told me that I had to pay $4000 insurance for this transaction. I refused. My personal manager Denis Dobrynin told me that if I don’t pay insurance my money will be “on hold” and I can’t receive this money back! I contacted Financial Conduct Authority and Action Fraud police. They told me not to send them any money cause this is fraud. People1 Be carefull! Don’t send them any money!

  32. Hello guys, i have been scammed by similar company, i lost 8k€, they asked me to invest first 250$, they senior agent was dealing with me, mia davis, ( all their names are fake and phone numbers, anyone can buy these fake WhatsApp from sms-men website as little as 20 cent) so they made me invest more mo ey in some kind of ico project, so i invested 8k€ and after few months i could see 275k€ profit in my account, ( i start dreaming to buy new car and deposit for new home, 😀) at the end of project i asked them to withdraw so they asked me to pay 9k€ fee to withdraw the profit, so i understood finally i am f*** up))) so please dont pay any fee or tax ,you will lose more money, they are all big eastern European scams, good luck))

  33. Hello guys.
    Please please stay away from this Traiding company. I had read all reviews but they spoke so sweet with a promise to trust them. I till the end were keep to believing them.. But in the end they reject to pay my money back but even made me pay them 1200 euro back as a penalty as asigned by them my fault. Please save your money and your mental peace from this atrocity.

  34. Dear, Madam / Sir

    Do you know that, Alves. Schulz broke my heart, so he grabbed the amount and please don’t listen.
    They have contacted me 5 times more with different number and person, so they want to take even more money from my bank card.

    Er I have contact and message with watsap number +44 7599 159058, through that He spoke to watsap and said, I pay 1000$ on your account, because I spoke with his said, I don’t need 1000$Usd, pay my money back to me bank card. Then He turned off the phone.
    In bdf you will find the watsap message please.

    Finally I would like to send my 500usd amount back to my card as soon as possible please.

    Yours sincerely

  35. Very helpful, I now know that I have been scammed too by uni-co also.
    I sent them €250.00 add later on my account manager Bryan Nielson asked me to send more money to upgrade my account. When I refused to send him more money, he stopped communicating with me.
    I want my money back and I can go to any level in order to achieve this.


  36. -10 ⭐️

    Words can’t even describe how GREAT of a SCAM uni-co is I have now had my money stack with them for over a year. All they have tried to do so far is to get me to add more funds “taxes” that has to be paid in order for me to get my withdrawal. Around $3000 of course I refused. I have been scammed before so enough is enough!!!
    More than my $30.000, I wish I can sue this ANIMALS and get them a life time prison. Please email me your views, suggestions and comments to
    Applementor AT gmail dot com


  37. Careful people! they have several scams going on, they will say the CRA (or whatever your governing agents are) will be calling you, you pay taxes to them directly and they release the funds, now they have a so called “Fund Recovery” company calling and emailing to get your money back from the scam, don’t fall for it.


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