Psi Markets Review

Read our Psi Markets review to see if we recommend this broker for trading. Just to clear doubts, this is a review.

Is Psi Markets Legit?

After taking a look at their website, it shows that they do not fall under any regulating agency. That is a MAJOR RED FLAG!! That should be enough for you NOT to invest with them. And they also work with websites that offer “Automated trading software” which is another red flag, as this kind of websites are infamous for scamming schemes.

So, Psi Markets is just another unregulated forex broker, which means the customers aren’t protected, and there is highly likely they will get away with your hard-earned money and there will be no regulating agency to hold them responsible.

How does the scam work?

Usually, unregulated forex brokers work in the following way. They will call people to persuade them to make the initial minimum deposit. And they will try any conceivable method in order to make that happen. They will offer deals that sound too good to be true. Like we will double your initial deposit or you will make hundreds of dollars per day easily. Please don’t fall for anything they say!!! It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, they transfer clients to a smarter scammer, called a “retention agent”, who will try to get more money out of you. Also, one thing we need to add here is: don’t trust the good Psi Markets reviews you might see online. They pay websites and services to improve their online reputation by posting good reviews about them.

Withdrawing funds

You should submit a withdrawal request ASAP, because your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. And here is when things get tricky.

If you want to withdraw your money and it does not matter if you have profits or not, they will delay the withdrawing process for months. If they delay it for six months, you won’t be able to file a chargeback anymore and your money is gone for good. It doesn’t matter how often you remind them or insist in withdrawing your money, you will NOT get them back. And if you signed the Managed Account Agreement or MAA, which is basically authorizing them to do anything they want on your account, they will lose all your funds so there won’t be anything to request anymore.

How to get your money back Psi Markets?

If you already deposited your money with them and they refuse to give your money back, which is very likely to happen, don’t worry, it might be a way or two to get your money back.
First of all, you need to keep the emails as proof that you have been requesting the money back from them but they don’t give it to you. Or they delay the process for too long, with the intention of not refunding your money.

The first thing you should do is perform a chargeback! And you should do this right away! Contact your bank or credit card provider and explain how they deceived you into depositing money for a non-regulated trading company. Mention also that they refuse to give your money back. This is the simplest way of getting your money back and is also the way that hurts them the most. Because if there are many chargebacks performed, it will destroy their relation with the payment service providers. If you haven’t done this before or you are not sure where to start or how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, we can assist you in preparing your chargeback case. Just contact [email protected] but don’t let your broker know they you read this article or that you are contacting us.

What about wires?

If you sent them a wire, there is no way to perform a chargeback on a wire. For this step you need to raise the fight to a different level. Tell them you will go to the authorities and file a complaint against them. That will get them to rethink the refund possibility. Another thing you can do is prepare a letter or email for the regulating agencies. Depending on where you live, you can search google to find the regulatory agency for Forex brokers in your country. After that you can prepare a letter or an email describing how they deceived you. Make sure you show this letter or email to them, and tell them you will send it to the regulating agency if they don’t refund your money. If you don’t know where to start, reach us at [email protected] and we’ll help you with this step as well.

Make sure you leave Psi Markets reviews in other sites

Another way to hurt them and save other people from falling victims is to leave bad reviews on other sites. See what other sites have posted reviews about Psi Markets, and describe shortly what happened. If you fallen victim, please leave a review and a comment on this site at the comment section. Also, when these people change their website, they tend to call the old clients. So, if they call you from a new website, mention it in the comment or let us know about it. That would be really appreciated by us by our users. Also, if you get phone calls from other companies, please put the name of these companies also in the comment. Or you can send them to us and we will expose them too.

Psi Markets Review Conclusions

Making the Psi Markets review was our pleasure, and we hope to save as many people from losing their hard-earned money. A good rule of thumb is to carefully review all the Forex companies and any other company for that matter, before you perform any transaction. We hope that our Psi Markets review has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or you need an advice about the withdrawing process, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or by using this contact form.
If you like to trade, please do it with a trustworthy, regulated broker, by choosing one of the brokers listed below.

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  1. hola.llevo varios dias con una pelea con la plataforma psi-markets, asegura que tiene 64.000 dolares a mi nombre ,pero que para reembolsarmeols necesita que le ingese el 4% n su wallet, yo ve esa cantidad cuando ingreso en la plataforma psi, me dicen que tienen que ingresar toda a cantidad de una vez en mi wallet de binance para ello ingrese ese 4%,
    temo perdr el 4% unos 250 euros no ver ninuna cantiad en mi wallet. ha alguien le ha pasad lo mismo?

  2. Psi markets is scam…they call you from numbers wich are from regular People Who does not know that…they refuse to give your money back.
    Instead go to the police, so we can stop them…


  3. hola..
    esto es lo que me envia la plataforma PSI por medio de Melisa, que es la agente comercial, <me piden una cantidad de dinero para hacerme el rembolso de mi dinero , 63979$..

    Melisa Castro

    [email protected]
    juan diaz de antoñana chasco

    jue, 21 mar a las 15:01

    Señor Juan
    El documento que solicita es documentación privada de la empresa con la que trató al momento de realizar la inversión, por este motivo nuestra empresa no tiene acceso a esa documentación manualmente.
    La única forma en que podra visualizar esta documentación es en el momento en que retiras el 100% del capital que tienes a tu favor para que puedas declararlo.
    Luego de realizar el depósito, aprobaremos inmediatamente la transacción y los fondos serán liberados en un máximo de 24 horas.
    El importe reembolsable del depósito de garantía será transferido al cliente en un plazo máximo de 2 días hábiles.
    El depósito de seguridad sólo puede realizarse desde su billetera personal a su nombre.
    El sistema solo reconocerá un único depósito de seguridad para que usted pueda retirar sus fondos.
    La empresa se compromete a ayudarte con el 45% para que puedas realizar tu conexión y recibir tus fondos completamente en tu billetera Binance.
    Esto significa: el 4% de tus fondos totales (2.559,16 USD) menos -45% (1.151,62 USD) para un total de 1.407,53 USD
    Hemos buscado la mejor opción para que puedas retirar tus fondos.
    Quedo atenta a cualquier inquietud.

    Ocultar mensaje original
    On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 12:28 PM juan diaz de antoñana chasco wrote:
    Hola Melisa.

    En principio lo de ingresar dinero en PSI no fue lo acordado siempre que fuera a una cuenta a mi nombre.

    El monto que usted me indica fue solo para el reembolso para otra persona, no asi para mi persona.
    Yo, tengo abierta mi cripto wallet en binance, puede depositarlos fondos en mi cripto wallet, o , buscar medios alternativos para efectuarlo..

    Por otro lado, me ha enviado un account statement con unos datos, TAMBIEN NECESITO LOS MOVIMIENTOS DE LA CUENTA DONDE APARECE MI INVERSION. Yo le he dado toda la informacion mia, que usted necesitaba.

    A partir de aqui, podemos ponernos en contacto para realizarel rembolso a mi wallet de binance.

    Hoy , no podre ponerme en contacto con usted por motivos personales,tengo dedicacion completa a un motivo personal .



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